Latest Episodes
Achieving Wisdom, Knowledge and Wisdom!
Achieving Wisdom, Knowledge and Wisdom! The Reassuring Conclusion of Parshat Ki Tavo
The Symmetry of Mountain of Blessing & Canyon of Curses
The Symmetry of Mountain of Blessing & Canyon of Curses Parshat Ki Tavo - Fourth and Fifth Reading
The Fruit-induced Reciprocal Voice of Heaven!
The Fruit-induced Reciprocal Voice of Heaven! Parshat Ki Tavo — Third Reading
G-d’s Gaze, Divine Reciprocal Rewards
G-d’s Gaze, Divine Reciprocal Rewards Is it reasonable to expect that doing Mitzvot will always be richly rewarded? Parshat Ki Tavo, 2nd Portion
Your Word, Your Bond... Pledges, Vows & Verbal Commitments!
Your Word, Your Bond... Pledges, Vows & Verbal Commitments! Parshat Ki Teitzei - Fourth Reading
Parapet Pedagogy: Lessons from the Rooftop Fences
Parapet Pedagogy: Lessons from the Rooftop Fences Parshat Ki Tetzai — Third Reading