Latest Episodes
Eviction Notice!
Why our original tenure in the Holy Land was cut short by two years! Parshat Va'etchanan, 2nd Portion (Deuteronomy 4:5-4:40)
The Promotion
Moses explains why he’s been passed-over & how Joshua will lead us into Israel! Parshat Devarim, 4th Portion (Deuteronomy 1:39-2:1)
Blessings, Ltd.
Parsha Curiosities: Parshat Devarim Cracking the Code on mysterious themes & ideas in the weekly Parsha! , . Moses’ blessings are limited; G-d’s limitless....
Slandering Hashem!
Moses reveals the shocking secret sedition fomented behind closed doors! Parshat Devarim, 3rd Portion (Deuteronomy 1:22-1:38)
To Serve & Protect
Reconciling Rashi’s competing definitions of Moses’ desert policemen. Parshat Devarim, 2nd Portion (Deuteronomy 1:12-1:21)
Asher the Blessed
Asher the Blessed: Drilling into the deeper, more memorable elements of this unique Tribe! Parshat Vezot Hab'rachah, 5th Portion (Deuteronomy 33:22-33:26)